Live Al-Hazem SC matches on TV

Al-Hazem SC: At this time there is no soccer match being televised. You can check the history of previous televised matches

Thursday, 2/29/2024
12:00 Al Nassr Al-Hazem SC
Thursday, 10/26/2023
  • Saudi Pro League
Al-Ittihad Jeddah Club Al-Hazem SC
Saturday, 9/2/2023
  • Saudi Pro League
Al-Hazem SC Al Nassr
  • FOX Deportes
  • FOX Soccer Plus

At this time, there are no live Al-Hazem SC televised f soccer matches but we display a history in the TV guide of the last Al-Hazem SC matches that were broadcasted.

We will update this Al-Hazem SC agenda on TV when they confirm the next live matches from official media.

Since the beginning of this website, 3 live televised matches of Al-Hazem SC have been published.

The first published match was on Saturday, September 2, 2023 between Al-Hazem SC - Al Nassr.

The channel with the most most live televised Al-Hazem SC matches is FOX Deportes with a total of 3 matches.

And it is the Saudi Pro League competition in which Al-Hazem SC has been televised the most times with a total of 3 games.